The On-Call Crisis Response Unit provides crisis counseling 365 days per year at area hospitals, medical professionals offices, and our rape crisis center for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Staff provides this services from 6:00am until 6:00pm Monday through Friday. Volunteers handle the on-call from 6:00pm until 6:00am Monday through Friday and on weekends from Friday at 6:00pm until Monday at 6:00am.
On-Call support is critical in providing crisis intervention, information and referrals to those in need at the time of crisis.
I am a 72 year old woman who has just had to file a second restraining order against a stalker who is harassing and physically intimidating me. First restraining order only found one act of violence out of 4 incidents. Can you help me defend myself from elder abuse? Thank you
Please Help! I am a Domestic Violence Survivor and current victim of battery/DV case in collier county due to mental breakdown. I am in desperate need of financial resources for rapid rehousing because i was unable to submit documents in time to FEMA after displacement. My HCV didn’t cover the efficiency and my lack of credit stopped me getting approved for rental homes excepting voucher recipients.
With no transportation, household storage unit expenses and inability to work I exhausted all of my resources and borrowed funds. Please help me with a FEMA appeal if possible request for a responsible accommodation due to unmet needs, lack of one on one face to face case management has also worsened my disabilities causing additional crisis to occur.
After renting/sharing a 10×15 efficiency along with Offender and his 3 children he had a mental breakdown due to lack of medical insurance, food,transportation,work and over-all financial stability. He went to David Lawrence and backer acted himself. We were all forced to move out of the efficiency.
My 3 children and I are homeless staying in a 3bedroom home with 5 additional individuals including children in need of regent housing stability assistance. As I am also my eldery mother’s caregiver due to major surgery during Covid-19 pandemic she now has alzheimerz and her illness has negatively effected her ability to cope with people. I protect them as much as I can but I must get them to safety and back into our own home immediately! Our mental health and self-esteem is being negatively impacted
Hi. I am a rape/ DV survivor from 9 years ago. I’m also a nurse. I am available to volunteer the on call crisis line if needed. Christine
There will be a gathering now that will be there and support of the victims in their families we will be wearing purple at the same location and at same time here is the link to the event please come out and support and wear purple💜💜💜💜
we need help my daughter had a child with a guy move to North Carolina was there a couple months and found out by an officer knocking on the door that she was with my child rapist of an eight-year-old never looked up his report and serve it for months for writing an eight-year-old kid can you imagine what is 1718-year-old dead to an eight-year-old little girl unless you’ve been raped you have no idea what kind of situation that person is dealing with and ever since my daughter found out that she’s had a child rapist he’s had the pleasure and the opportunity to reporting my daughter for child abuse child neglect and so forth to have an entire year which is still going on today and this is the system that allows a rapist of an eight year-old little girl, causing bodily injury mental injury, took her childhood away from her because now she thinks she’s a grown woman at eight. no, my granddaughter has medical problems she’s being referred to genetics for further testing. She has a lot of medical problems going on because you guys a force women to have babies and my daughter had EDS to start off with plus parts ADHD, autism and dementia is setting in in their condition, they have a shorter like lifespan, but because men enjoy doing this to women because they have that much control over a woman’s body. Now we have a baby that has medical problems that is going to need extensive help because of man and now we have to deal with a rapist reporting us for neglect. where is the protection in us being protected because my daughter found out he’s a child rapist so we deserve to be tormented because he was such a big man. He had to raping innocent little eight-year-old little girl. Can no one see this picture here or does your DCF and CPS and the police like all in cahoots to bring down as many people as I can so there’s what only police walking around. Wow.
child tapist thinks he has rights over a nonverbal baby girl,?so he has rights over her too because he created her?
now that this child rapist created kids which got someone else pregnant so he just had a little baby boy,?either December or January and rapists are allowed to create children what happened to castration if a woman can’t have an abortion because a dude raped her and a woman can’t have an abortion because she has medical problems. Does that mean men are still in control even though we don’t know them or we do know them, but they still have control over our body when we’re not even their wife were the laws of protection on that one?