ACT is always in need of volunteers. With more volunteers, we are able to provide more dollars toward direct victim services. Volunteers can help at our Second ACT Thrift Store, our Arts for ACT Art Gallery, or in our various departments, including direct service with clients.
I am very interested in volunteering at Abuse Counseling and Treatment. I am a second year master student studying Mental Health Counseling and this organization aligns with my aspirations and goals. Please feel free to reach out via email or phone. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Hello, I just moved to the Fort Myers area from NYC. I am a domestic violence survivor and recently retired from law enforcement. I have also been teaching yoga and mindfulness for a long time and am interested in volunteering in a local organization.
Hi my name is dillon o’connor and i am looking to complete 30 hours community service. if you guys have any openings please call me at 239-933-7199. thanks!
Looking to volunteer. Please email me!
I’m a nurse. I’d like to volunteer my time in the art gallery. Please contact me.
Hello! I am a freshman in high school and am looking to volunteer! This is something I would be very interested in doing as a personal shopper( thats what I heard is a possibility) but I would love to help in any way! Please email me whenever you have a chance!
Hello, I’m looking to volunteer I’m a sophomore in college!This is something I’m interested in especially since I’m giving back to a community. Please give me an email when you get the chance!
Hi, I am a rising senior and I am looking to get 50+ volunteer hours. If you guys have any openings please email me.
Hi, I am a 53 yo female looking to help woman and children. I have always had the passion for helping people. I would love to volunteer some hours and would like to take courses that would help me. Hope to hear from you. Thank you.
I was wondering if there are any volunteer opportunities for me!
I’m looking to get involved.
Hi, I’m a new psychiatrist mental health nurse practitioner and I am interested in volunteering in the palm beach area Florida. I am planning on starting my own counseling online services within the 6 months. Providing services to domestic Violencesurvivors aligns with my goals for the future. Please feel free to reach out for any volunteer opportunities. Thank you.
My name is Melanie Lewis, I am a student at Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, Florida. I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Sociology. This is what I want to use my degree for when I graduate. I think it is very important to talk about this and to educate everyone on. I am a mother of a sexual assault victim, her journey and how she navigated through it from start to finish and what she went through, made me want to go back to school with a purpose to get my degree and help other victims of any types of abuse. I think I would be a asset to this program and assist with the awareness of Safe Dating.
Hello, My name is Assuntina (susie) Grassano and I am current Junior at FGCu with a major in Sociology and minor in Gender Studies & Forensics. I plan to become a Victim’s advocate either for the city or alongside law enforcement. I have my own personal experience with a DV survivor, my Mother who inspired me to us my voice and help other people going through similar situations. Being the light and voice for those in need is something I am passionate about. Please feel free to email me at any time, I am looking for not just service hours but valuable knowledge I can take with me along my journey.