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How Sexual Violence Impacts Our Lives

This discussion will get participants to think about other types of sexual violence such as childhood sexual abuse, molestation, verbal abuse of a sexual nature, etc.

Pre-test /post test attached

Have group discuss how it is a public health problem and violation of human rights.

Pass out worksheet on how someone being raped can affect the connections all along the socio-ecological model.

Group discussion about the myths

Discussion of consent vs. cooperation. Also discussion surround sending clear messages in sexual situations.

Discuss effects of trauma on memory

As many people are experiencing some of these symptoms it is important to explain that many of these symptoms can be associated with any type of trauma and normalize them.

Worksheet Attached

Will split group up and have them work on this worksheet as small groups, coming back together to discuss what each group came up with.

Split into “different” small groups and fill out worksheet. Discussion

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